Hi again on this beautiful Friday <3 I have finally completed my nieces baby blanket!!! YAY
I really loved this pattern!!! And was so happy to find out that it was free! I mean, who doesn't love free patterns?? The reason I loved this pattern so much was because it challenged me personally a couple of times and I always love a good challenge, especially the ones i can end of figuring out :D! It is so soft and so pretty!!! I cannot for my niece to be bundled in it <3 Please feel free to comment.
Yarn I Used: Caron Simply Soft (2 Skeins of each color)
Hook I Used: Size H
Photography unprofessionally done by myself, Danele Kellar. (Im a crocheter, not a photographer lol)
Approximate Measurement: 36"/91.5 cm
wide x 38"/96.5 cm
In Puff st pattern, 2 1/2 pattern repeats and 6 rows = 4"/10cm
Puff: Yo, insert hook in next st and draw up a loop, yo, insert hook in same st and draw up a loop] 3 times, yo
and draw through all 9 loops on hook, ch 1.
Puff Together: Yo, insert hook in sc and draw up a loop, yo, insert hook in same st and draw up a loop. Yo, insert hook in next sc and draw up a loop, yo, insert hook in same st and draw up a loop, yo and draw through all 9 loops on hook, ch 1.
Notes: To change color, work last st of old color to last yo. Yo with new color and draw through all loops on hook
to complete st. Proceed with new color. Do not fasten off old color. Carry color not in use up side edge of blanket.
With A, ch 116, loosely.
Row 1 (WS): Sc in 2nd ch from hook, *sk next 2 ch, 5 dc in next ch (shell made), sk next 2 ch, sc in next ch; rep
from * across, turn—19 pattern reps.
Row 2: With A, ch 3, shell in center dc of next shell, *puff in next sc, shell in center dc of next shell; rep from *
across, dc in last sc; change to B in last st, turn—19 shells and 18 puffs.
Row 3: With B, ch 3, 2 dc in first dc, sc in center dc of first shell, *shell in next puff, sc in center dc of next shell;
rep from * across, 3 dc in top of turning ch, turn.
Row 4: With B, ch 3, 2 dc in first dc, puff in first sc, *shell in center dc of next shell, puff in next sc; rep from *
across, 3 dc in top of turning ch; change to A in last st, turn.
Row 5: With A, ch 1, sc in first dc, shell in first puff, *sc in center dc of next shell, shell in next puff; rep from *
across, sc in top of turning ch, turn.
Rep Rows 2–5 until piece measures about 32 1/2"/82.5cm from beginning, end with a Row 2.
(I have a total of 29 stripes on my blanket above.)
Fasten off.
Rnd 1: With RS facing, join B with sc in edge of blanket, sc evenly around all edges, working 3 sc in each corner;
join with sl st in first sc, turn. ( I worked 4sc into each stripe, so 2sc in each row on the sides of the blanket. & I did 3sc in corners as instructed)
Rnds 2–7: Ch 1, sc in each st around, working 3 sc in each corner sc; join with sl st in first sc, turn. Fasten off.
Rnd 8: With WS facing, join A in any corner sc, ch 3, 6 dc in same corner sc, [sk next 2 sc, sc in next sc, sk next
2 sc, shell in next sc, sk next 2 sc, sc in next sc] to next corner, *7 dc in corner sc, [sk next 2 sc, sc in next sc, sk
next 2 sc, shell in next sc, sk next 2 sc, sc in next sc] to next corner; rep from * 2 more times; join with sl st in top
of turning ch, turn. Note: You may need to skip more or fewer sts before each corner, to work 7-dc in the corner
For Round 9, I used: Ch 1, puff together in first sc.(shell in center dc of next shell, puff together in nxt sc) to next 7-dc corner, repeat on all sides.
Rnd 9: Ch 1, puff in first sc, [shell in center dc of next shell, puff in next sc] to next 7-dc corner, sk first 2 dc of 7-
dc corner, shell in next dc, puff in center dc of 7-dc corner, shell in next dc, sk last 2 dc of 7-dc corner, *puff in
next sc, [shell in center dc of next shell, puff in next sc] to next 7-dc corner, sk first 2 dc of 7-dc corner, shell in
next dc, puff in center dc of 7-dc corner, shell in next dc, sk last 2 dc of 7-dc corner; rep from * 2 more times; join
with sl st in first puff.
Fasten off.
Using yarn needle, weave in all ends
Finished Product: